Labour has ‘no guts’ on Council Housing say Lib Dems

Liverpool Lib Dem Leader Cllr Carl Cashman attacked Labour’s house building record in Liverpool, saying it has ‘no guts’
At the Full Council meeting, the Labour Leader put forward a motion on empty homes in Liverpool. Rather than focus on the Council delivering council housing itself, Labour are asking the Metro Mayor and combined authority to make that decision.
The Lib Dem leader spoke out against their plans - saying given the combined authorities record he doesn’t trust them the city’s council housing. Cllr Cashman has spoken previously about his support for council housing given his background as mortgage advisor and growing up on a Council Estate.
He’s previously announced the Lib Dem plan to build the first council housing in Liverpool in a generation. Marking an end to Labour’s years of failed promises to deliver new homes in Liverpool.
Labour voted against the Lib Dem Plan to bring council housing in house rather than farming it off to the Metro Mayor and the City Region.
Cllr Cashman said, “‘The Lib Dems agree that we need to bring our empty homes back into use. Where we differ from Labour is that we would use these empty homes to produce the first load of Council Housing in the City and then we’d get on with building more.
“Labour have just thrown Council Housing out of the window by saying they want to give away some Council owned housing in places like Anfield and Edge Hill to private investors. The Lib Dems would reinvigorate them instead and use them as new Council Housing stock.”
The Lib Dems main criticism is that Labour’s motion tries to absolve them of responsibility, turning to the Combined Authority instead.
Carl added ‘At the end of the day it comes down to guts, and Labour haven’t got any.’